Welcome parents, and thank you for reading my webpage!
I'm Mrs. Haehnel, and I teach 1-5 general music and instrumental lessons and fourth and fifth grade band. In general music, we use games, play instruments like xylophones and sing songs to help us learn about music. I am very focused on teaching the state standards, which include listening to music, analyzing music, performing music composed by others, and creating music of our own.
I also have the great pleasure of teaching elementary band. Studying an instrument has great benefits: physical, emotional, and intellectual. Harvard studies show that instrumental study for at least three years increases test scores in the 50% range! However, learning a band instrument is something very different than anything else your child does in school. It is imperative that they put in practice time at home so their weekly lesson is not spent reteaching their old music, but teaching new music.
Band students have these responsibilities:
1. Come to their lesson on time, with their instrument, music, and reeds.
2. Make up any work done in their class during their lesson.
3. Practice at home.
4. Fill in the monthly practice calendar (number of minutes under the date.)
5. Come to make up lessons as needed.
Parents also have responsibilities:
1. Have a discussion with your student about when and where to practice.
2. Help your student get an instrument (rent, borrowed from a friend/family member, borrowed from the High School.)
3. Buy "Breeze Easy" book 1 for fourth graders, "Accent on Achievement" book 1 for fifth graders. (A wire music stand is also very helpful.) If your child plays clarinet or alto sax they also need $10.00 for the reed fund so I can supply reeds.
4. Listen to your student play and encourage them, enjoying their progress.
5. Initial your child's practice calendar every week, showing me that it is accurate.
Always a practice reminder! Fourth grade students should practice 20 minutes 5 days a week, for a total of 100 minutes. Fifth graders should practice 30 minutes, 4 or 5 days a weeks, for a total of 120 minutes. Thank you so much!
Band students will get a report card which does not have a letter grade, but points based on practice time. Students can get up to 50 points a month with great practice.