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Continuum of Services

Continuum of Special Education Services:

The continuum of special education services for school-age students with disabilities is an array of services to meet an individual student's needs that includes:
Consultant Teacher Services (CT)-- CT services are provided to a school-age student with a disability in the student's general education classes, and/or to the student’s general education teachers. These services are provided by a certified special education teacher, unless the CT services are to be provided for the purpose of providing specially designed reading instruction, such instruction may be provided by a certified reading teacher qualified.
  • Direct CT services means specially designed instruction provided to student(s) with a disability by a certified special education teacher, to aid the student(s) to benefit from the general education class instruction. The purpose is to adapt the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction to support the student(s) to successfully participate and progress in the general curriculum during regular instruction.  Direct CT can be combined with indirect CT services.
  • Indirect CT services means consultation provided by a certified special education teacher to a general education teacher. The purpose is to assist the general education teacher in adjusting the learning environment and/or modifying his/her instructional methods to meet the individual needs of a student with a disability who attends the general education class. 
Resource Room Services- Resource room program is a special education program for a student with a disability who needs specialized supplementary instruction for a portion of the school day. Resource Room instruction is not provided in place of the student's regular academic instruction. An instructional group which includes students with disabilities in a resource room program cannot exceed five students per teacher.
Integrated Co-Teaching Services- Integrated co-teaching services, as defined in NYS regulation, means the provision of specially designed academic instruction provided to a group of students with disabilities and nondisabled students. This is sometimes called “Collaborative Team Teaching,” and involves a class being taught by both a special education teacher and a general education teacher. In this model, both teachers share responsibility for the planning and delivering of primary instruction, as well as evaluation for all students. A maximum of 12 students with disabilities may be in such a class. There is no limit to how many general education students may be in the class. Integrated co-teaching can be an alternative to placement in a special class with the added benefit of having both a special education and a general education teacher deliver the curriculum to the student.
Special Class- Special class means a class consisting of students with disabilities who have been grouped together because of similarity of individual needs. This is a “self-contained setting,” meaning that such students are receiving their primary instruction separate from their nondisabled peers. The instruction in this type of class often involves a modified curriculum. The following special class sizes are possible:
  • 15:1- No more than fifteen students taught by one special education teacher. This class size is typical for students whose special education needs consist primarily of the need for specialized instruction, without social-emotional, behavioral, or other management needs.
  • 12:1+1- Up to twelve students taught by one special education teacher and assisted by an additional adult to help with management needs of students.
  • 8:1+1- When students’ have intense management needs, and require a significant degree of individualized attention and intervention, up to eight students can be taught by one special education teacher, with one supplementary school personnel assisting.
  • 6:1+1- Up to six students taught by one special education teacher and assisted by an additional adult to help with students’ highly intensive management needs and a high degree of individualized attention and intervention.
  • 12:1+3- The maximum class size for those students with severe multiple disabilities, whose programs consist primarily of habilitation and treatment, shall not exceed 12 students. In addition to the teacher, the staff/student ratio shall be one staff person to three students. The additional staff may be teachers, supplementary school personnel and/or related service providers.
Related Services- Related services assist a student in benefiting from other special education services or assist the student in accessing the general curriculum.  Related services include, but are not limited to: Speech-language therapy, audiology services and/or interpreting services, physical therapy, occupational therapy, counseling services and/or psychological counseling services, orientation and mobility service, parent counseling and training, school health services and/or school nursing services, and assistive technology services.
Additional special education services that may be recommended for students include:
Adapted Physical Education- Adapted physical education is a specially designed program of developmental activities, games, sports and rhythms suited to the interests, capacities and limitations of students with disabilities who may not safely or successfully engage in unrestricted participation in the activities of the regular physical education program.
Twelve-Month Special Service- Twelve-month special service and/or program is a special education service and/or program provided on a year-round basis for students with disabilities determined to require a structured learning environment of up to 12 months duration to prevent substantial regression.
Special Transportation- Special transportation means services and supports necessary for the student to travel to and from school and between schools; in and around school buildings; and includes specialized equipment (such as special or adapted buses, lifts, and ramps), if required to provide special transportation to a student with a disability. Examples of special transportation include: special seating; vehicle and/or equipment needs; adult supervision; type of transportation; and other accommodations.
The information listed here is a summary of the information provided here:


Director of Special Programs:

Rhonda Burnside

[email protected]

Special Programs Secretary:

Jessica Marino

[email protected] 

Phone: 607-988-5034
Fax:  607-988-5070

Mail: 2641 State Highway 7
            P.O. Box 483
            Otego, NY 13825