Smart Schools
Investment Plan
In 2014, the voters of New York State approved a Bond Act to
provide funding for schools in six major categories, including school
connectivity, community connectivity, classroom learning technology,
pre-kindergarten classroom construction and renovation, replacement of portable
classrooms, and high-tech security. Two
of the categories do not apply to Unatego, as we do not have pre-kindergarten
and have no portable classrooms. This
leaves us with school and community connectivity, classroom learning
technology, and high tech security.
At the current time and for the foreseeable future, both our
school buildings have excellent connectivity at sufficient speeds for wired and
wireless internet technology. We have a
long-range technology plan which allows us to purchase replacement hardware on
a fixed schedule, thereby maximizing state aid and ensuring that our students
always have devices that are under warranty and state-of-the art at all
times. We have explored the possibility
of providing connectivity in our communities but are unsure of the long-range
reliability of funding for such an endeavor so our current focus is on
high-tech security. Our security
cameras, clocks, bell systems and PA systems are all analog and in some cases,
fifty or more years old. The wiring is
failing, the hardware is obsolete, and in many cases, beyond repair.
Phase 1:
Communication Upgrade
Commination Upgrades at both buildings:
Tentative Cost
Unatego Elementary
Radios and Repeater
Unatego JRSR High
Radios and Repeater
Phase 2: Building Security
Security Upgrades:
Tentative Cost
Unatego JRSR High
HS Access
Unatego JRSR High
Security System Upgrade
Unatego JRSR High
Security PA Clocks
Bus Garage
BG Access
Bus Garage
BG Security System
This plan has preliminary approval from our Technology
Committee and our Board of Education. It
will be available on the website for the next 30 days, culminating in a public
hearing before the December 18 Board of Education Meeting and final approval
from our Board of Education. Questions
can be directed to Dr. David Richards via email at [email protected]
or by phone at (607) 988-5038 or to Mr. Brian Trask via email at [email protected]
or by phone at (607) 988-5047.